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I Threw My Heart Into The Fire Novel PDF Free Download/Read Online


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I Threw My Heart Into The FireI Threw My Heart Into The Fire Novel Synopsis

Forgiveness is hard when all you've seen is your own people, and countless others like you become victims of the unspoken American genocide.
Catori never wanted rebirth, but now she's faced with a choice when her people become under threat once again, grappling with her own identity.

It was like hell was unleashed. The rumbling of the calvary horses hooves crashed into the sandy ground, we felt it.
Mother prayed that they were passing by our village, but the sound grew closer and closer. It became evident they were coming for us.
Mother instructed my little brother, Hania and I to hide while she went with my father and older brother outside to figure out what was happening.

Hania, however, became too frightened with the colonizers right outside and began to cry.
I looked over at my aunts and cousins who looked at me desperately to hush Hania. I pulled him close and tried shushing him and calming him down, but nothing worked.
Suddenly there was the crack of a gunshot outside. A scream and then the sound of fighting.
Read the complete story for more interesting views thanksss....


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