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Love And Respect Novel Synopsis Love-Respect-by-Emerson-Eggerichs-1.jpg

How can I get my husband to love me as much as I love him?”
This was the basic question I heard from wife after wife who came to me for counseling during the almost twenty years I pastored a growing congregation.
My heart broke for wives as they wept and told me their stories. Women are so tender. On many occasions I sat there with tears rolling down my cheeks.
At the same time I became irked with husbands. Why couldn’t they see what they were doing to their wives?
Was there some way I could help wives motivate these husbands to love them more?
I felt all this deeply because I had been a child in an unhappy home. My parents divorced when I was one.
Later they remarried each other, but when I was five, they separated again.
They came back together when I was in third grade, and my childhood years were filled with memories of yelling an unsettling tension.
Read the full story to find out more...


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