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Top 12 Best Books On Divorce


De Travel Guru
Getting a divorce can be one of the most difficult times of your life. Not only can the process be complex and lengthy, but it can also take an emotional toll on those involved. To help you through this challenging time, we have compiled a list of the top 12 best books on divorce.

Whether you are looking for advice on how to navigate the legal system, cope with the emotional trauma of divorce, or even rebuild your life after a divorce, these books can provide you with valuable insight and support.

The Good Divorce: Keeping Your Family Together When Your Marriage Comes Apart" by Constance Ahrons​


Divorce can be a difficult and trying time, but that doesn’t mean it has to destroy your family. In her book, Constance Ahrons shows how to go through a divorce without having it shatter the lives of everyone involved.

The Good Divorce provides valuable advice on how to keep your family together during a divorce while helping each member of the family adjust to the changes brought about by the process. Ahrons offers practical tips and strategies for communication, decision-making, and parenting in ways that will reduce the emotional damage done by a divorce.

This book is an essential resource for those going through a divorce, as well as for their friends and family who are offering support. It’s full of real-life examples and insights on how to make a divorce less painful for everyone involved.

Divorce Poison: How to Protect Your Family from Bad-mouthing and Brainwashing" by Richard A. Warshak​


Divorce Poison is a must-read for anyone experiencing a divorce or dealing with the aftermath. Written by leading child psychologist Richard A. Warshak, this book provides insight into how to keep your family together during and after a divorce.

Warshak helps readers understand the psychology behind why some divorces are more difficult than others and offer practical advice on how to protect your children from the damaging effects of bad-mouthing and brainwashing.

He also shares invaluable tips for ensuring both parents are actively involved in their children’s lives. Divorce Poison will provide you with the tools and resources to make your divorce as smooth and successful as possible.

Rebuilding: When Your Relationship Ends" by Bruce Fisher​


Going through a divorce can be an incredibly difficult and overwhelming experience. But it doesn't have to be all doom and gloom. Bruce Fisher's book "Rebuilding: When Your Relationship Ends" can help you to heal, restore, and rebuild your life.

This practical guide offers step-by-step guidance on how to cope with the emotional and psychological pain of divorce, as well as real-life stories of those who have been through it. The book also provides helpful information on how to cope with stress, parenting after divorce, and financial concerns.

With its comprehensive approach, this book is an excellent resource for anyone going through the process of divorce.

Fisher's straightforward and reassuring writing style will help to ease the pain and stress of the divorce process. His thoughtful advice and caring words provide hope and courage that can help anyone to start rebuilding their life after a divorce.

Whether you are dealing with your divorce or supporting a friend or family member through it, "Rebuilding: When Your Relationship Ends" will provide you with valuable insights and support.

Crazy Time: Surviving Divorce and Building a New Life" by Abigail Trafford​


Divorce is a difficult process for everyone involved, especially if there are children. Abigail Trafford offers an invaluable guide to help you make it through this trying time in her book Crazy Time: Surviving Divorce and Building a New Life. This book provides a comprehensive look into the emotional, psychological, and practical aspects of divorce.

Trafford covers topics such as the legal process, dealing with guilt, getting through depression, and financial planning. She also addresses how to cope with your former partner's behavior, find strength and support, manage the transition to a single life, and redefine yourself. With her clear, comforting advice, she makes the difficult process of divorce less overwhelming and more manageable.

Filled with powerful stories from real people going through similar struggles, Crazy Time is a must-read for anyone considering divorce or going through the process. Trafford shows that it is possible to survive a divorce with grace and dignity. This book will provide insight, comfort, and guidance to anyone looking to rebuild their life.

"Divorce and New Beginnings: A Complete Guide to Recovery, Solo Parenting, Co-Parenting, and Stepfamilies" by Genevieve Clapp​


Divorce is a painful and challenging time, but it can also be a time of growth and new beginnings. Genevieve Clapp’s “Divorce and New Beginnings: A Complete Guide to Recovery, Solo Parenting, Co-Parenting, and Stepfamilies” offers support, information, and guidance for navigating this difficult period.

This comprehensive guide covers a wide range of topics related to divorce, such as dealing with the emotional aspects, the legal process, parenting arrangements, financial issues, and more. Clapp draws from personal experience, scientific research, and legal advice to provide an in-depth look at the process of divorce.

In particular, she emphasizes the importance of self-care and focusing on positive outcomes during and after the divorce.

The book is designed to help readers create strategies to cope with their current circumstances and move forward with their lives. It also provides practical advice on building a successful co-parenting relationship, setting boundaries in a stepfamily, and fostering healthy relationships with other family members.

Overall, “Divorce and New Beginnings: A Complete Guide to Recovery, Solo Parenting, Co-Parenting, and Stepfamilies” by Genevieve Clapp is an invaluable resource for anyone looking for advice on how to survive and thrive during a divorce.

Whether you’re considering filing for divorce or already going through the process, this book will provide you with the tools to rebuild your life and make your way forward.

The Co-Parents' Handbook: by Karen Bonnell and Kristin Little​


This book offers practical advice and strategies to help divorced and separated parents guide their children through the divorce process. It helps provide an understanding of how divorce affects children, how to manage conflict between parents, and how to make sure that both parents stay involved in their child’s life.

It also provides tools for developing healthy relationships between children and both of their parents and offers guidance for making successful parenting arrangements. With advice from experts in the field of child psychology and family therapy, this book is an invaluable resource for helping families successfully adjust to the changes that come with divorce.

Splitting: Protecting Yourself While Divorcing " by Bill Eddy and Randi Kreger​


Divorce is a difficult and emotionally-charged process, but it can be even more challenging if you are divorcing someone with a Borderline or Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Splitting: Protecting Yourself While Divorcing Someone with Borderline or Narcissistic Personality Disorder is an invaluable resource for navigating this tricky situation.

The authors, Bill Eddy and Randi Kreger are experts in their fields and they bring together their experience and knowledge to provide insight into the unique challenges posed by divorcing someone with a Borderline or Narcissistic Personality Disorder. They offer practical advice on how to keep yourself safe and sane throughout the process.

In addition to guiding the legal aspects of divorce, the book offers valuable tips on dealing with manipulative behavior, managing your emotions, and developing healthy communication techniques. It also includes resources to help you find support from other people who have gone through similar situations.

Overall, Splitting: Protecting Yourself While Divorcing Someone with Borderline or Narcissistic Personality Disorder is an essential guide for anyone facing this difficult process. Whether you are considering divorce, in the middle of the process, or recovering from its aftermath, this book will provide valuable insights and guidance.

"The Truth About Children and Divorce: Dealing with the Emotions So You and Your Children Can Thrive" by Robert E. Emery​


Divorce can be an emotionally challenging experience for both parents and children. In his book "The Truth About Children and Divorce: Dealing with the Emotions So You and Your Children Can Thrive", Robert E.

Emery offers insight into the complexities of parenting after a divorce. He provides a compassionate and realistic look at the process of divorce and how to effectively handle the emotional toll it can have on children.

Emery's book dives deep into the emotions that accompany divorce, such as anger, guilt, sadness, confusion, loneliness, and fear. He looks at how these feelings affect the way we view ourselves and our relationships with our children, ex-spouses, and extended family members.

He also guides how to help children cope with their own emotions and learn to manage them in healthy ways.

Through practical advice and case studies, Emery helps readers navigate the complex landscape of divorce, giving them strategies to support their children during this difficult time. He encourages parents to remain emotionally connected to their children even during and after the divorce process, as well as helping them stay focused on the long-term well-being of their families.

"The Truth About Children and Divorce: Dealing with the Emotions So You and Your Children Can Thrive" by Robert E. Emery is an invaluable guide for divorced parents who want to help their children successfully move forward after a divorce.

By providing tools to manage difficult emotions and foster strong family bonds, Emery's book is an essential read for any parent looking to make their child’s transition to a post-divorce life as smooth as possible.

"The Divorce Remedy: The Proven 7-Step Program for Saving Your Marriage" by Michele Weiner Davis​


Michele Weiner Davis's book offers readers a comprehensive guide to dealing with the emotional, financial, and legal issues of divorce. It outlines a seven-step program for couples who want to remain, married and is willing to put in the effort to make their marriage work.

The steps cover communication techniques to help couples identify problems and openly talk about them, methods for overcoming resentment and anger, advice on setting realistic goals and expectations, and practical tips on working together as a team.

The book also includes information on how to manage finances and navigate the legal system during a divorce.

For couples considering divorce, this book offers an important perspective: that divorce is not always the answer. With guidance from this book, couples can learn to communicate more effectively, practice forgiveness, understand each other's needs, and build a strong foundation for their marriage.

If a couple is willing to commit to the process and work through their differences, they have a good chance of saving their marriage.

Joint Custody with a Jerk: Raising a Child with an Uncooperative Ex" by Julie A. Ross and Judy Corcoran​


Divorce can be incredibly difficult for all involved, but especially for children of divorced parents. Joint custody can be even more challenging if one of the ex-spouses is uncooperative or worse, a jerk.

This book provides parents with practical tips and advice on how to manage difficult co-parenting relationships while keeping their children’s best interests in mind. With step-by-step instructions, this book helps parents navigate issues like talking to their kids about divorce, communication between ex-spouses, enforcing visitation and parenting time, understanding legal issues, and more.

With easy-to-understand language and an engaging writing style, "Joint Custody with a Jerk" is an invaluable resource for any parent struggling to maintain a healthy co-parenting relationship.

"The Smart Divorce: Proven Strategies and Valuable Advice by Gwendolyn J. Sterk and Gerald Nissenbaum​


This book provides invaluable guidance and practical advice to help to divorce couples navigate the legal and emotional pitfalls of divorce. Written by two divorce experts, The Smart Divorce explains how to protect your rights, negotiate a fair settlement, and make wise decisions during a challenging time.

With insights from top divorce lawyers, financial advisers, counselors, and other professionals, this book is an essential resource for anyone going through a divorce.

The authors provide guidance on how to establish and manage communication between the couple, divide assets, negotiate alimony and child support, prepare for mediation, understand state laws and court proceedings, protect yourself and your children financially, cope with emotional distress, and more.

With clear information on how to handle sensitive issues such as retirement benefits, debt relief, and tax planning, The Smart Divorce provides solid answers to important questions. The book also offers self-care tips to help you stay focused on the goal of finding a positive solution.

This comprehensive guide offers proven strategies and valuable advice to help you make wise decisions during your divorce proceedings. With practical steps and realistic expectations, The Smart Divorce can help you achieve the best outcome for you and your family.

"Mom's House, Dad's House: Making Two Homes for Your Child" by Isolina Ricci​


Going through a divorce can be difficult for any family, and it can be especially challenging for the children involved. In her book, Mom's House, Dad's House: Making Two Homes for Your Child, Isolina Ricci provides helpful advice and guidance to families navigating the process of creating two separate homes after a separation or divorce.

The book focuses on how to effectively create two homes that are both nurturing and successful for your children. It covers a range of topics such as setting up schedules, dividing parenting responsibilities, dealing with emotions, and communication tips.

Ricci also addresses the issue of co-parenting between two households and provides useful strategies to help maintain a positive relationship between ex-partners.

This book offers parents practical tips and guidance on how to make sure their children's emotional and physical needs are being met in each home. Through helpful case studies and real-life examples, it helps parents understand the challenges that may come up when creating two separate households, and how to handle them in the best way possible.

Ricci’s book is an invaluable resource for families transitioning from a traditional household to two separate homes. It is full of helpful advice on how to make sure children get the care and attention they need during this difficult time, while still allowing them to develop strong relationships with both parents.


Divorce can be a difficult and stressful process, but with the right resources, it doesn’t have to be. The books listed above are some of the best resources available to help people going through divorce find clarity and peace of mind.

From emotional guidance to legal advice, these books provide valuable insight into the different aspects of divorce and how to handle it healthily. Whether you’re looking for practical advice or just need some comfort, these books are sure to provide you with the support you need.

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